Thursday, September 28, 2006

First day in Tokyo

A 24 hour pet shop in Roppongi where the dogs and cats like to run into the glass.
Outside all the restaurants precise plastic versions of the foods on sale are provided for tourists like us who cannot read japanese so what we do is drag the waiter outside and point at the wall.

This building looked pretty cool. Like an iceberg or something.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Arriving in Japan

These vending machines are everywhere in Japan.
They are pretty cool because they sell everything from Japanese tea to types of Coca-Cola that you have never seen before to cigarrettes. They look pretty cool too!

This was my first meal in Japan - its called Soba.

There are thousands of these slot machine shops throughout Tokyo. Many of them are apparently owned by North Koreans or the Yakuza, the Japanese Mafia. We tried them out one time. You buy a whole bunch of ball bearings and wait for a computer to tell you that you have lost.

Peter, my cousin, and I, decided on the spur of the moment that we would make a short trip to Japan - a country that we have both always been fascinated in, in the only time that we would have together for the next year or so.

We arrived here in Japan on the 11th of September 2006 and will leave on the 27th.
Since our stay is so short in such a vast country, we have so far crammed a lot into these few days.

Hre are some of our best pictures.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

This is probably one of the most fantastic picture of the summer so I thought I might upload with this fancy centred layout!

Path to the right

Path to the right
Originally uploaded by Aspyhole.
One day we took a walk through a forest on a mountain top to a beautiful beach for our morning swim.

Friday, July 07, 2006

About to set out!


OK - now i'm not saying your gonna be properly interested in what I do over my holidays but this may be a cool place to chill out after a bit of pointless surfing.

I will tell you guys how my trips are going and hopefully add a picture or two every time to illustrate the post!

So, off I go on my 15 month GAP "year"!

First stop: Athens, Greece.
